An abscess in a baby especially when it is acute is a painful problem for a child. Like in adult teeth an acute abscess will likely need an emergency assessment by and dentist both to relieve the symptoms and to treat the cause.
There are a number of other less common causes of swelling in the gum area. CURRENTLY OUCH IS NOT TRAINED on these other causes at present so please contact a dentist for a full diagnosis.
A dental abscess in its early stages may be managed with pain killers and hygiene measures and sometimes the immune system will keep the abscess under control until you can see a dentist. However if it gets more serious then it is likely to need urgent professional attention. Any uncontrolled swelling especially when heading towards the neck and throat needs to be URGENTLY treated at an A&E department.
Once lockdown is lifted the tooth will definitely need treatment from a dentist. The dentist will decide whether the tooth can be saved through a treatment option called pulpotomy or pulpectomy, otherwise they may recommend extraction of the tooth.