There are a number or reasons that a tooth fracture might be considered complicated.
Complicated fracture as the name suggests are difficult to treat at home. There is a high chance that the tooth is extremely painful and we would recommend trying to speak to a dentist and ideally get an appointment if this is possible.
Please note it may be possible for the dentist to stick back the fragment of tooth (normally only front teeth). So try to keep the fragment and take it along to your appointment. There is evidence that if the fragment is stored in milk then the resultant strength of the bond when your dentist reattaches it may be stronger
If the nerve is exposed then the tooth is likely to be extremely painful. A dental appointment is advised as soon as possible s prompt treatment will great increase the chance of successfully saving the tooth. In the meantime controlling the pain and keeping the area clean is the order of the day:
Prabhakar AR, Yavagal CM, Limaye NS, Nadig B. Effect of storage media on fracture resistance of reattached tooth fragments using G-aenial Universal Flo. J Conserv Dent. 2016;19(3):250‐253. doi:10.4103/0972-0707.181942