A dental crown can generally be expected to last about 10-15 years but this is not always the case. Please note all the information on this page can also refer to onlays or inlays.
A crown falling out is usually not an emergency depending on its position in the mouth it can be embarrassing and patients are understandable keen to fix the situation as soon as possible. If the tooth has a nerve then it can be quite sensitive until the crown is refixed.
In an emergency it may be possible to fix a crown back in temporarily yourself but for a permanent solution you will need to see your dentist.
If the crown is broken or the underlying tooth has broken then see our page on broken crowns
It is important to remember that the crown is only temporarily cemented so be careful to avoid the area when eating. It is important to keep the area clean though as the seal of a temporary cement is less good than permanent cement. Brush throughly around the area and use your interdental brushes carefully around it. If you floss the area then pull the floss through sideways rather than pulling it back up.